
07 November 2016

Trump Island

Here's an idea I've had for a long time: Since Trump is rich (though perhaps not as rich as he claims – it's hard to know for sure since he refuses to release his tax returns like all other presidential candidates have done for the last 40 years), he can afford to buy an island somewhere far, far away.

Since America is apparently so terrible right now (even though pretty much all data points to the contrary), all of the Trumpists in the U.S. could move there and Trump would be the king (since Trumpists like authoritarianism and want to be ruled). It would be perfect for them in every way. Let's look at why!

The island would be isolated, so no immigrants would go there; there would be no reason to be racist bigots anymore. And no reason to build a wall.

The women that would go would be totally fine with all of the blatant sexism and misogyny.

All of the Trumpists could bring their hardly used guns to show off to each other.

There would never be any "rigged" elections since Trump would be the king.

The U.S. government doesn't do anything for Trumpists, so King Trump would start his own. I'm sure the people of the island would construct roads, sewer systems, electrical grids, water filtration facilities, radio towers, internet capabilities, and all other necessary infrastructure in no time!

Think of all the little neighborhoods that would form. There would be the hypocritical evangelical Christian part of town, the blue collar quarter, the rich dicks section, and even an area just for the KKK. Delightful!

Trumpists hate the Affordable Care Act, so they can figure out their own healthcare system. I guess they'll just need to build some hospitals first though, but I'm sure it'll be no problem.

Even though Trumpists don't like our government, they typically like our military. Welp, I guess with all those guns just waiting to be used, they could form a Trump army.

Trumpists don't like many of the U.S.'s trade policies, but there's good news! Since they'll be on little, isolated Trump Island, they won't have to trade at all! They can live off the land. I'm sure they won't miss all of the modern privileges we here in the U.S. enjoy, many of which come from trade.

If they work hard enough, maybe all of the Trumpists could construct a broadcast station so they could bring Fox News with them. It would be the only channel they'll have and it'll be perfect.

Ahh, Trump Island. Doesn't it sound perfect? There are many other ways in which Trump Island would be a paradise for Trumpists, but I think you have a decent idea of how it would look. I wonder why this hasn't happened already? Could it be that Trumpists actually benefit greatly from everything our government and society does for them? Nah.

I wish them all the luck in the world in making their island great.

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