
07 June 2012

Thanks to DCIS

Last Day at DCIS

I'm forever grateful to the students I worked with during the 2011-2012 school year. They added a lot to my life and confirmed for me that teaching in an urban environment is what I want to do. Each student I worked with was inspirational to me, but a special thanks goes to the Spanish speakers who helped me work on my Spanish. Although it was a challenging period of my life -- at the school five days a week, working both days of the weekend, continuously working on my Teacher Work Sample (which ended up being close to 40 pages), weekly orchestra rehearsals, and making time for family and friends -- I enjoyed what I did every day and I learned more every day. I'm pleased and humbled that I made an impact on these students as well. The purple butcher paper, made by the 8th grade soccer girls (who also brought me a red velvet cake), says, "Mr. Ortiz, you rock! We'll miss you!!"

Here are what the white pieces of paper say:
"Best student teacher ever!"
"We'll miss you very much."
"Don't leave 4 Spain! We like you better."
"We're going to miss you Ortiz."
"We love Mr. Ortiz."
"Good luck Mr. Ortiz."
"We love you!"
"Come back soon!"
"Have fun in Spain."
"Thank you for everything."

Big thanks also go out to my Clinical Teacher, Gerardo Muñoz, who was supportive, helpful, considerate, and most of all a good friend. He's the best teacher in the school -- I think the students would agree. Thanks also to my site coordinator, Heidi Hursh, and site professor, Marjorie Larner. Finally, I wouldn't have made it through the year without my classmate and friend, Marissa Ranberger. Ami Stone was awesome too.

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