
27 April 2014

Lessons For Teachers To Remember Every Day

The amount of things teachers have to do, think about, remember, are held accountable for, are expected to do, etc. can be overwhelming. That's probably why the average lifespan of a teacher is about three years. Only the strong survive. 

Speaking of surviving the profession of teaching, there are some crucial things that I've learned over the past three years to help ensure that I do survive this profession. I know this list may get longer as I continue my career, but for now, here is the list I've been thinking about lately. Some of these things don't directly relate to your practice as an instructor, but more so your professionalism and daily behavior as a teacher. I've made a couple minor mistakes (nothing job-threatening) and I've seen lots of mistakes made by fellow teachers and administrators. So, along with the seemingly countless things we have to think about and remember to teach well, here are some key points to bear in mind as a teacher (well, actually, almost any job):

1. Never be aggressive towards anyone at school
2. Never do anything that could be construed as inappropriate or flirty towards a member of the opposite gender
3. Never engage with administration (principals and assistant principals) beyond small talk
4. Never lose your temper at school
5. Never swear at school
6. Don't let your ego get in the way
7. Don't try to prove to anyone that you are right if doing so will escalate a conflict
8. Never touch a student beyond a handshake, high five, or a simple pat on the shoulder or back
9. Avoid getting too many people involved when solving a minor problem (never get administration involved for something minor)

Same list in positive/proactive language:

1. Always interact with others in a calm and professional manner
2. Always keep your words and actions appropriate and professional, especially around members of the opposite gender
3. Only speak to administration if they speak to you first
4. Always stay calm, cool, and collected
5. Use only appropriate, professional, and academic language at school
6. Keep your ego in check
7. Avoid confrontations; if one occurs, focus only on solving it and not on saving face
8. A handshake, high five, or simple pat on the shoulder or back are the only appropriate physical contacts between students and teachers
9. When a minor problem arises, try solving it yourself first before getting others involved (but don't get administration involved)

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